NOSA-ITACA results from the integration of the finite element code NOSA with the open source interactive graphic code SALOME, used both to define the geometry of the structure under examination and to visualise the results of the structural analysis. Specifically, the NOSA code has been implemented within the SALOME architecture (developed mostly in the C/C++ and Python languages) as an additional module on a par with those already existing (MESH, GEOM, POST-PRO), and called the Nosa module. Through such integration the Nosa module thus allows the user to define the physical quantities to associate to a mesh (materials, element thickness, boundary conditions, loads, analysis type, etc.), display the load applied to the structure, generate the input file for running and monitoring the finite element analysis, etc. The module includes the executable file “nosan” and several CORBA interfaces (with “.idl” ) for data exchange between the Nosa module and the MESH and/or POST-PRO modules. The Nosa module executes the numerical analysis using as input the card (“.crd”) created by the Nosa module itself, via the MESH module, and allows the user to monitor the analysis. Finally, the “.t19” output file containing the results of the numerical study is transmitted to the POST-PRO module via conversion into a “.med” output file.
NOSA-ITACA can be used to study the static and dynamic behaviour of masonry buildings of historic and architectural interest and model the effectiveness of strengthening operations. The code is at the disposal of private and public bodies operating in the field of the conservation and safeguarding of the cultural heritage.