NOSA-ITACA results from the integration of the finite element code NOSA with the open source interactive graphic code SALOME, used both to define the geometry of the structure under examination and to visualise the results of the structural analysis.
NOSA-ITACA can be used to study the static and dynamic behaviour of masonry buildings of historic and architectural interest and model the effectiveness of strengthening operations. The code is at the disposal of private and public bodies operating in the field of the conservation and safeguarding of the cultural heritage.
If you use the software, please cite it as follows:
Girardi, M., Padovani, C., Pellegrini, D., Porcelli, M., Robol, L. (2023). Numerical Modelling of Historical Masonry Structures with the Finite Element Code NOSA-ITACA. In: Bretti, G., Cavaterra, C., Solci, M., Spagnuolo, M. (eds) Mathematical Modeling in Cultural Heritage. MACH 2021. Springer INdAM Series, vol 55. Springer, Singapore.
NOSA-ITACA 1.1c is a software product of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures Laboratory of ISTI-CNR (herein MMSLab of ISTI-CNR), distributed via the website.
We are updating the NOSA-ITACA code to be compatible with the latest version of Ubuntu and the Salome platform, and we are also working on making it available for Windows.
In the meantime, you can use NOSA-ITACA by downloading the pre-configured virtual machine (below) and importing it into Oracle VirtualBox.
Once the virtual machine is set up and Ubuntu starts (login password: nosaitaca), open a terminal and type the command: nosaitaca.
NOSA-ITACA v.1.1c pre-configured virtual machine |
The package is released under the conditions in the above license.
Tutorial 1: modal analysis of a reinforced concrete structure (
Tutorial 2: linear elastic analysis of a reinforced concrete structure (
Tutorial 3: nonlinear static analysis of a masonry barrel vault (
Tutorial 4: nonlinear static analysis of a masonry church (,,,
Technical support may be provided via e-mail and/or website postings. While every effort shall be made to provide timely technical support, no guarantees whatsoever are implied that technical support will be provided or that technical support, when provided, will be accurate. Software offered on this site is basically unsupported and supplied on an “as-is” basis unless a specific maintenance contract agreement with the copyright holders has been stipulated.
Copyright © 2011 Mechanics of Materials and Structures Laboratory of ISTI-CNR. All Rights Reserved.