open-souRcE platform oriented toward digital twins: 3D digitization techniques, Vibration mOnitoring and finite element modeLs for evalUaTIng the conservation status of histOrical buildings and civil iNfrastructures

Period: February 2022– January 2025
Coordinator: ISTI-CNR
Project website:
Contact: Daniele Pellegrini
Keywords: structural health monitoring, digital twin

The project focuses on designing and implementing a prototype of an open-source platform with a view to Digital Twin, which remotely supports diagnosis and conservation activities, allowing maintenance and management operations to be planned. Based on long-term dynamic monitoring and numerical simulations, the platform uses a digital replica of the monitored building to assess its structural health and identify any damage.

Institute of Information Science and Technologies 'Alessandro Faedo'Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Funded by the National Research Council of Italy, Progetti di Ricerca@CNR